Jacket - Tortured Genius @ BankFashion (not available)
Shirt - Topman (here)
Jeans - Nanny State @ BankFashion (here)
Shoes - River Island (OLD)
Before I made my way to the Topshop event I met up with my good blogging friend Jennifer, me and Jennifer met at our very first ever blogging event and have stayed friends since. You can find her writing over at http://www.glasgowfashiongirl.blogspot.co.uk/ or she can be found on instagram - http://instagram.com/glasgowfashiongirl. Jennifer kindly took these pictures on my camera.
I'm really loving this brand new Topman floral print shirt, apparently it had just hit the rails the minute I walked into the store so for me it was a deal braker, straight to the cash desk I went. Then to my surprise later that night they featured it in their fashion show - picked a winner.

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