Thursday, 22 May 2014


It's always been a dream of mine since I was old enough to spell fashion to travel to London, I don't know why I've never been. I've traveled all over the UK but for some reason I just never make it to London. So when I found out I had been shortlisted for the Company Magazine #stylebloggerawards2014 and that we would get an invite to the awards ceremony in London it was safe to say I WAS OVER THE MOON!

I've not stopped talking about it since and the topic on everyones mind including mines is - What do I wear?

So here I sit less than four weeks away until the awards, rummaging through the copious amounts of clothes I own and still not one stitch can be found that I can say is eligible to attend the awards with me. DIVA or what?

So I did the next best thing and hit up ASOS! Why cant I just have an ASOS warehouse attached to my walk in wardrobe then most of my lifes problems would dissapear haha.

Anyway I've chosen three outfits from ASOS and would love to know what you think!

The Statement Outfit - I believe that this outfit screams the words FASHIONISTA to me. I featured this suit in a previous post and I'm still in L-O-V-E with it. This is definitely a suit that will get the heads turning, it's also a very on trend piece and I think it's great for an awards ceremony.

The Heritage Outfit - As I will be travelling down from Scotland to London (where I've never been before AHHHH!) I thought about sticking to my Scottish roots. Now this isn't a Scottish Tartan or anything but I believe it gives off a Scottish kind of feel and green being a favourite colour of mine I thought that this suit would also be perfect!

The Pretty In Pink Outfit - A couple of months back I attended an event where we got a consultation from a colour expert, she said for my skint tone/complexion any pink/salmon/peach colours would sit well with me. When I saw this colour, which, is waaaaay out of my comfort zone I kept going back to it and when something does that to me I just have to give it a go. I think this will be perfect for the #stylebloggerawards and I'm also loving the suit-short combo rather than trousers.

The Shoes - Anyone who knows me knows I'm a sucker for a tasseled loafer as well as a bit of Vivienne Westwood so here I've chosen three pair of shoes which I think will compliment the above outfits.

Now here is where I need your HELP - Which outfit would you love to see me in? Please leave your comments for me below.

Today & Tomorrow are the last days available to vote for for a chance to win BEST MALE STYLE BLOG. I'm only a newcomer and love blogging and met some fantastic friends for life through doing so and things like this give me the drive and determination to do better. I would love for you to give me your vote it would mean the world - if you click the image below it will take you to the voting page, I am page 7 then continue to the end and leave your e-mail address then even send a little tweet for your chance to attend the awards as well! Good Luck to everyone who made the shortlist <3 !

Monday, 12 May 2014

#scentinthecity + giveaway

Hello my lovely people, it seems that scottnothingtodowithyou has went a little candle crazy lately ! So when I was invited to the #scentinthecity bloggers event at Shearers Candles I was over the moon, It was my chance to find out how my beloved candles are made. Shearer Candles is a family run business which has been owned by the same family for more than 3 decades although the actual company itself began back in 1897 - can you believe it?

I took a subway trip to the event, it was a gorgeous sunny day in Glasgow which is very rare so I had a little spring in my step and smile on my face. Upon my arrival to candle factory I made my way through the store and was automatically taken in by the mixture of scents drifting through the air, I later found out that this was actually the discounted gift shop where they sold candles and gifts at discounted prices due to the fact they where slightly damaged (I will let you in on a little secret - you couldn't even tell with the majority of items). In the next gift shops it was candles, reed diffusers galore as well as a selection of nibbles and prosecco awaiting us. 

Let the fun begin..

Rosey the Artistic Director of Shearer candles firstly gave us an insight into the company telling us about both the past and the present. We found out about the history of the company which I mentioned earlier and how it was founded in 1897 and how through the years it home moved from the Candleriggs to ibrox then on to its new premises in Govan. 

Rosey then spoke us through the fine art of creating the most perfect candle and let us in on a Shearer Candles secret lets just say its about getting the right balance, selecting the best ingredients having a strong passion and extensive experience. Although the candles are made here in Glasgow the ingredients, packaging and everything else needed to make a candle are sourced from some of the most exotic countries all over the world.

Shearer candles have many a ranges and also some major retail collaborations such as Tesco and Sainsbury's some of you might be saying "I've never heard of Shearer Candles before" but I bet you've had one burning away in your home without knowing. We also found out that a lot of celebrities are major fans of the candles - and why would they not be? These include the likes of George Micheal who is a massive fan of the Persian Lime, and we where told that Janet Jackson had been to the very gift shop we where all sitting in - AMAZING !

Chat over with and it was onto the factory where the magic happens! We where given a tour of the production line and got to see a  candle made from scratch to finish (see pictures below)

Production Line - Wick placed in candle, on route for wax pour.

Hot wax, if my memory serves me right it was peach!
Wax poured, time to set.
Cooling stage, depending on weather outside fans are used to help the cooling.
Complete, time to be packaged and boxed.
Different range of candles.
Some more factory pictures.
The hot wax runs from a container that's outside through pipes and into the factory.

After a few slips or two from me and the other bloggers on some of the wax it was time to put our candles making skills to the test and we all got to make our own candles FUN FUN FUN!

Tour over and back to the gift shop we went for some more prosseco and nibbles. Shearer candles where kind enough to let us choose 3 candles of our choice. After sniffing around for what seemed forever making sure I chose the best scents I decided on Watermelon, Hollyberry & Clove and Hogmanay
yummy cakes.

The girls at shearer candles also gave us a goody bad which had some gifts for us to give away to our readers.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Friday, 9 May 2014


Well guys, yesterday they announced the shortlist for the Company Magazine #stylebloggerawards2014 and we done it ! has made it and it's all thanks to you wonderful people for nominating me. I just want to say congratulations to anyone who entered and congratulations to those who made it through to the shortlist as well. I've made a little pack with myself to continue to deliver on my blog and that means working harder on my posts, showing you all my style more often and having FUN. I only started my blog back in October and can't believe we've made it this far so soon. It couldn't have been done without the support of my blogging community so thanks to all the #scottishbloggers out there ! and of course my followers and my readers too - keep coming back for more I won't let you down.

The voting page is here and can be a little tricky to vote - you can either vote for someone in each category or go straight to my category which is Number 7 - BEST MALE STYLE BLOG but then you have to continue to the end and leave your details (see photos below)